Other than profile placing charges we do not charge settlement fees or any hidden charges. If anyone requests money in the name of, please inform us at [email protected].
Name: Ali Mujtaba Manzoor |
Father Name: Mr. Manzoor Hussain (B.A) Retd.,Govt,Service |
Age: 33yrs Color: Fair Height: 5ft 6in 167cm |
Education: Master (Masters) |
Income: - |
Address: Fatema Manzil.,Hussaini Alam., Hyderabad, Telengana, India |
Religion / Caste: Shia / |
Master in Information Technology (M-Tech)
Company.Software I.T.Engineer in Cisco Pvt,Ltd.
Physical Status: Normal
Girl should be simple ,educated and religious.One who can understand and accept my family as hers
D.O.P: 26-01-2023
D.O.E: 06-10-2024
Duration: One Month
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